Digital Projects

Emoji Animation I had an idea that I could use the twitter SVG emoji library to make automated animations out of emojis. I don't know why procedural animation holds such magic for me. I had a lot of trouble finding any...

Mail-A-Tweet Code: Story This project was inspired by @mroth telling me about the lob postcard API which will PRINT AND MAIL A PHYSICAL POSTCARD ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD FOR SEVENTY...


This bot grew out of me getting bored (frustrated?) with the repetitive process of making physical copies of Frank Stella works. I thought, I could teach a computer to do this. Which then lead to me exploring techniques for how to make the pieces more...

1Q84 Music

Thankfully, lit Twitter has taught me that I'm not the only person whose brain is constantly rhyming song lyrics in their heads, at all times, against their will. This bot was supposed to be an expression of that. The rhymes ended up not being very...


A Cheap Bots Done Quick bot that expresses some of my rage about how awful and incompetent Donald Trump is.


Twitter used to have a bad habit of naming internal tools, services, processes, really anything, after birds. Sometimes puns, sometimes rhymes, sometimes just a bird name attached to a noun for no apparent reason. This bot would output a bird name...